Online Psychic

Online Psychic

As an Online Psychic, Lisa Carr uses her psychic intuitive abilities to reveal things to clients that can assist them with understanding, acceptance, healing and personal growth. Lisa is a genuine and authentic psychic able to tune into a client’s spirit energy and to relay information and messages to the person being read, thus is able to do this even over a telephone or Skype call.

Lisa offers psychic readings in a face-to-face context but can also assist you with an online psychic reading. This can be done telephonically or through a Skype Internet conversation. These are done using Tarot Cards or a Crystal Ball.

Psychic services are useful for a wide variety of personal issues, including grief, loss, relationships, emotional problems and career choices. In an online reading, psychic powers are used to make a strong connection with spirits and energies, with no barriers or challenges posed by the online channel being used to connect Lisa and her client.

Contact Lisa if you would like the opportunity to benefit from an online psychic reading to gain insight into your life and your current influences. This can help you if you are seeking to gain a better understanding of your life and if you want to be more at peace and well-positioned to move onwards in your spiritual journey.

Read what past clients have to say