Category Archives: Energy

Tools for a smoother path

Moseying along your spiritual path and carrying on with your daily life in 3D feels, much of the time, like the two mindsets are so different that they seem mutually exclusive. Such is the dilemma of living in integrity in 3D (Gossip, Soapies, and Beauty magazines don’t make it any easier, I am not putting…
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What is Mental Alchemy?

We chat to Dave Lucas, CEO of Dawning Truth a Personal Development, Training and Recruitment Company. He has been studying Personal Development and Universal Spirituality for 30 years and has authored the book, “Become Great and Powerful” and reached 65 000 people with a movement for good in South Africa. Dave talks us through the…
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What Does It Mean If You Wake Up at The Same Time Every Night?

Waking up in the middle of the night is normal. Most of us experience “mini-awakenings” without even noticing them.  If you frequently wake up at the same time every night, this could be a message from your guardian angel, to look deeper. Ready to learn what it means when you wake up at the same time every night? Our body has its…
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The consciousness of water

Dr. Masaru Emoto was a world renown water researcher and bestselling author of “The Messages from Water”. He gained worldwide acclaim through his ground-breaking research into the consciousness of water. His research involved exposing water to different vibrations, freezing it, then using microscopic photography to examine the resulting water crystals. His beautiful water-crystal photographs have…
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Energy Update – November 2020

What has November 2020 got in store for us? Lisa talks about the energies coming in this November and how to handle it all with grace. Remember that all this is working for you - lessons, wisdom and growth.
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Tools for Clearing your Auric Field

Your own negative thought patterns, the energy from others which has attached itself to you, stress, illness, social media and negative news - all of these things can tarnish your auric field. This is exactly why you need to clean your auric field with as much consistency as you do your physical body. Hand-made with…
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June – Energy Shifts

We are currently undergoing massive energy shifts, with all that is happening on the planet at the moment. What are the symptoms and how do we deal with them?
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Energy during the pandemic

Lisa discusses the current energy we are experiencing during this pandemic, as well as ways to deal with the feelings that may be coming up for you.
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What is Chromatherapy and How Does It Work?

Chromatherapy involves the use of energy vibrations of colour in treating specific ailments and helps to balance the natural rhythms of the body to create a balanced energy level. Also called “colour therapy” or “colorology”, chromatherapy is an alternative holistic form of healing. This system is used for treating dis-ease with the use of coloured…
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