Category Archives: Motivation

Are You Emotionally Available or Unavailable?

Emotional availability describes the ability to sustain emotional bonds in your relationships. Having healthy relationships involves having emotional connections with others. If you don’t have these connections, you are more likely to be emotionally unavailable and find relationships challenging. You may find that you have much in common with your partner, even a great sexual…
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Tools for a smoother path

Moseying along your spiritual path and carrying on with your daily life in 3D feels, much of the time, like the two mindsets are so different that they seem mutually exclusive. Such is the dilemma of living in integrity in 3D (Gossip, Soapies, and Beauty magazines don’t make it any easier, I am not putting…
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What is Mental Alchemy?

We chat to Dave Lucas, CEO of Dawning Truth a Personal Development, Training and Recruitment Company. He has been studying Personal Development and Universal Spirituality for 30 years and has authored the book, “Become Great and Powerful” and reached 65 000 people with a movement for good in South Africa. Dave talks us through the…
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